This was written on 01/31/13

Q: If you were stranded on a deserted island for 30 days, which one item would you want to have with you and why?

    A: A long sock because there are many uses for it. You can set a trap and catch food. Another use for it is you can stuff it with rocks, ice, or anything hard to hit dangers or get food. You can also use it to keep your feet warm so there is less of a chance to get frost bite or to protect your feet like shoes. You can also use it as a sling or somethimg to cover up a wound. Another use is a fire starter and stoper. If you get it wet than put it on the fire than it will put the fire out. If you take a little peice off of it than rub it between 2 sticks and it will start a fire. One more way a long sock would be useful is it would be able to strain out water. Like get dirt, sand, and bugs out of your water.   


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